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Formats a git version information string from the git ID structs ID. SWIG-wrapped LAL VCSInfo structs and octapps_gitID() structs are supported.
get version info from the given lalapps code
if isempty(file_in_path(getenv("PATH"), "lalapps_ComputeFstatistic_v2")) disp("skipping test: LALApps programs not available"); return; endif getLalAppsVersionInfo("lalapps_ComputeFstatistic_v2");
Returns the git-tag (commitID, date, etc) information for the specified git repository containing directory. If directory is missing, the location of the OctApps git repository is assumed. ID is a struct with fields: name, vcsId, vcsDate, vcsAuthor, vcsStatus.
Convert a version string into a hexadecimal number for easy comparisons.
assert(versionstr2hex(""), 0x02109903)