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compute the amplitude-vector {A^mu} for given amplitude-params, which can follow
multiple signals must correspond to different *lines* in those fields, i.e. column-vectors! the output consists of 4D line vectors Amu(,1:4), multiple lines corresponding to multiple signals
p0 = struct("h0", 1e-24, "cosi", 0, "psi", 0.33 * pi/4, "phi0", pi/5); p = amplitudeVect2Params(amplitudeParams2Vect(p0)); assert(p.h0, p0.h0, 1e-3); assert(p.cosi, p0.cosi, 1e-3); assert(p.psi, p0.psi, 1e-3); assert(p.phi0, p0.phi0, 1e-3);
compute amplitude-vector {A^mu} from (MLDC) amplitudes {Amplitude, Inclination, Polarization, InitialPhase }
Amu is a row-vector for each signal, multiple signals being stored in multiple rows , the resulting fields in Amp are also column-vectors for multiple signals
Adapted from algorithm in LALEstimatePulsarAmplitudeParams()
A0 = 1e-24 * randn(1, 4); sert(amplitudeParams2Vect(amplitudeVect2Params(A0, "LIGO")), A0, 1e-3) sert(amplitudeParams2Vect(amplitudeVect2Params(A0, "MLDC")), A0, 1e-3)
check syntactic correctness of amplitude-parameter struct, and determine its convention: "LIGO" || "MLDC", depending on whether fields {Amplitude, Inclination, Polarization, InitialPhase}, or {h0, cosi, psi, phi0} are present. The presence of both types of fields is an error.
assert(checkAmplitudeParams(struct("h0", 1e-24, "cosi", 0, "psi", pi/4, "phi0", pi/5)), "LIGO")
Perform full software injections in generated SFTs using LALPulsar functions.
results structure
reference time in GPS seconds
start time in GPS seconds (default: ref_time - 0.5*time_span)
observation time-span in seconds
comma-separated list of detector names
sqrt(single-sided noise sqrtSX) to assume for each detector
Earth/Sun ephemerides from loadEphemerides()
SFT time-span in seconds (default: 1800)
SFT overlap in seconds (default: 0)
number of bins used when estimating SFT noise (default: 50)
inject Gaussian random noise with sqrt(single-sided noise sqrtSX) for each detector
injected h0 strain amplitude (default: 1.0)
injected cosine of inclination angle (default: random)
injected polarisation angle (default: random)
injected initial phase (default: random)
injected right ascension (default: random)
injected declination (default: random)
injected frequency/spindowns (default: 100 Hz)
searched right ascension (default: same as injected)
searched declination (default: same as injected)
searched frequency/spindowns (default: same as injected)
option that needs to be set to ’true’ to be able to specify the orbital parameters (default: false)
injected orbital projected semi-major axis (normalised by the speed of light) in seconds (default: random)
injected orbital eccentricity (default: random)
injected (SSB) time of periapsis passage (in seconds) (default: random)
injected orbital period (seconds) (default: random)
injected argument of periapsis (radians) (default: random)
searched orbital projected semi-major axis (normalised by the speed of light) in seconds (default: same as injected)
searched orbital eccentricity (default: same as injected)
searched (SSB) time of periapsis passage (in seconds) (default: same as injected)
searched orbital period (seconds) (default: same as injected)
searched argument of periapsis (radians) (default: same as injected)
number of Dirichlet terms to use in ComputeFstat()
(default: number used by optimised hotloops)
See the tutorial on DoFstatInjections()
Compute the spin, orbital, and total components of a detector’s position and velocity at a list of GPS times, using LALPulsar
detector positions, in equatorial coordinates
detector velocities, in equatorial coordinates
spin components of detector positions
spin components of detector velocities
orbital components of detector positions
orbital components of detector velocities
list of GPS times
name of detector (default: H1)
type of motion (default: spin+orbit)
Earth/Sun ephemerides from loadEphemerides()
try lal; lalpulsar; catch disp("skipping test: LALSuite bindings not available"); return; end_try_catch [p, v, sp, sv, op, ov] = getDetectorPosVel("gps_times", 800000000 + 100*(0:5)); assert(p, sp + op, 1e-3); assert(v, sv + ov, 1e-3);
Perform signal injection and (area-search) recovery using HierarchSearchGCT
structure containing various histograms of measured statistics and mismatches from the injection+recovery runs, and
(optional) number of repeated injection+recovery trials to perform [default: 1]
CSV list of SFT timestamp filenames
CSV list of IFO names (eg "H1,L1,...")
filename of segment list (containing lines of the form "startGPS endGPS\n")
injections: (optional) CSV list of per-detector noise-floor sqrt(PSD) to generate
injections: signal amplitude ’h0’ of signals
injections: alternative: signal-to-noise ratio ’SNR’ of signals
injections: range of sky-position alpha to (isotropically) draw from [default: [0, 2pi]]
injections: range of sky-position delta to (isotropically) draw from [default: [-pi/2, pi/2]]
injections: range of signal frequencies to draw from
injections: [numSpindowns x 2] ranges of spindown-values to draw from [default: []]
search: frequency resolution
search: numSpindowns vector of spindown resolutions to use in search
search: numSpindowns vector of ’gammeRefine[s]’ refinement factors to use
search: sky-grid file to use
search-box: number of nearest-neighbor skygrid points to use around injection
search-box: number of frequency bins to use around injection frequency
search-box: number of spindown-bins to use around injection spindown-value
search: F-statistic method to use: "DemodBest", "ResampBest", ...
search: additionally compute and histogram B_S/GL statistic values
search: BSGL parameter ’Fstar0sc’
search: number of toplist candidates to keep
which GCT executable to use for searching
boolean: remove intermediate output files at the end or not
if isempty(file_in_path(getenv("PATH"), "lalapps_HierarchSearchGCT")) disp("skipping test: LALApps programs not available"); return; endif output = nthargout(2, @system, "lalapps_HierarchSearchGCT --version"); LALApps_version = versionstr2hex(nthargout(5, @regexp, output, "LALApps: ([0-9.]+)"){1}{1,1}); if LALApps_version <= 0x06210000 disp("cannot run test as version of lalapps_HierarchSearchGCT is too old"); return; endif oldpwd = pwd; basedir = mkpath(tempname(tempdir)); unwind_protect cd(basedir); args = struct; args.timestampsFiles = "H1.txt"; args.IFOs = "H1"; args.segmentList = "segs.txt"; args.inj_sqrtSX = 1.0; args.inj_h0 = 1.0; args.inj_AlphaRange = [0, 2*pi]; args.inj_DeltaRange = [-pi/2, pi/2]; args.inj_FreqRange = [100, 100.01]; args.inj_fkdotRange = [-1e-8, 0]; args.dFreq = 1e-7; args.dfkdot = 1e-11; args.gammaRefine = 100; args.skyGridFile = "sky.txt"; args.sch_Nsky = 5; args.sch_Nfreq = 5; args.sch_Nfkdot = 5; args.FstatMethod = "DemodBest"; args.cleanup = true; fid = fopen(args.timestampsFiles, "w"); for i = 1:10 fprintf(fid, "%i\n", 800000000 + 1800*i); endfor fclose(fid); fid = fopen(args.segmentList, "w"); fprintf(fid, "%i %i\n", 800000000 + 1800*[0, 5]); fprintf(fid, "%i %i\n", 800000000 + 1800*[5, 10]); fclose(fid); fid = fopen(args.skyGridFile, "w"); for i = 1:50 fprintf(fid, "%.5f %.5f\n", octforge_unifrnd(0+eps, 2*pi-eps), octforge_unifrnd(-pi/2+eps, pi/2-eps)); endfor fclose(fid); fevalstruct(@injectionRecoveryGCT, args); unwind_protect_cleanup cd(oldpwd); end_unwind_protect
loads a ’candidate-file’ from lalapps_ComputeFStatistic_v2 --outputLoudest=cand.file
and returns a struct containing the data
if isempty(file_in_path(getenv("PATH"), "lalapps_ComputeFstatistic_v2")) disp("skipping test: LALApps programs not available"); return; endif output = nthargout(2, @system, "lalapps_ComputeFstatistic_v2 --version"); LALApps_version = versionstr2hex(nthargout(5, @regexp, output, "LALApps: ([0-9.]+)"){1}{1,1}); if LALApps_version <= 0x06210000 disp("cannot run test as version of lalapps_ComputeFstatistic_v2 is too old"); return; endif args = struct; args.Alpha = 1.2; args.Delta = 3.4; args.Freq = 100; args.f1dot = -1e-8; args.Tsft = 1800; args.IFOs = "H1"; args.injectSqrtSX = 1.0; args.timestampsFiles = tempname(tempdir); args.outputLoudest = tempname(tempdir); fid = fopen(args.timestampsFiles, "w"); fprintf(fid, "800000000\n800001800\n800003600\n"); fclose(fid); runCode(args, "lalapps_ComputeFstatistic_v2"); cand_file = loadCandidateFile(args.outputLoudest); assert(isstruct(cand_file));
Load Earth and Sun ephemerides from LALPulsar.
structure containing ephemerides
Earth ephemerides file (default: earth00-40-DE405.dat.gz)
Sun ephemerides file (default: sun00-40-DE405.dat.gz)
try lal; lalpulsar; catch disp("skipping test: LALSuite bindings not available"); return; end_try_catch ephemerides = loadEphemerides(); ephemerides = loadEphemerides(); ephemerides = loadEphemerides();
Predict single-segment F-statistic computation time per frequency bin per detector (tauF_core
and tauF_buffer
and corresponding memory requirements (MBWorkspace
, MBDataPerDetSeg
) for both Resampling and Demod Fstat methods.
See the F-stat timing notes at for a detailed description of the F-statistic timing model and notation.
The estimate is for one coherent segment of length Tcoh
, whileTspan
is only used to correctly deal with the GCT code’s handling of multi-segment searches, which
can affect timing and memory requirements for each segment. In the case of Weave, however, use Tspan = Tcoh [default].
coherent segment length
total data time-span [Default: Tcoh].
Note: this is used to estimate the total memory in the case of the GCT search code,
which load the full frequency band of data over all segments. In the case of the
Weave code, the SFT frequency band is computed for each segment separately, so
in this case one should use Tspan
to correctly estimate the timing and memory!
start search frequency
search frequency band
search frequency spacing
first-order spindown range [f1dot0, f1dot0+f1dotBand] [Default: 0]
2nd-order spindown range [f2dot0,f2dot0+f2dotBand] [Default: 0]
number of Dterms used in sinc-interpolation [Default: 8]
number of SFTs (for single segment, single detector) [Default: Nsft=Tcoh/Tsft]
SFT length [Default: 1800]
offset of reference time from starttime, measured in units of Tspan, ie refTimeShift = (refTime - startTime)/Tspan [Default: 0.5]
Maximum projected semi-major axis a*sini/c (= 0 for isolated sources) [Default: 0]
Minimum orbital period (s); must be 0 for isolated signals [Default: 0]
Maximal binary eccentricity: must be 0 for isolated signals [Default: 0]
enforce FFT length to be a power of two (by rounding up) [Default: true]
Resampling timing coefficient for contributions scaling with output frequency bins NFbin
Resampling timing coefficient for FFT performance. Can be 2-element vector [t1, t2]: use t1 if log2(NsampFFT) <= 18, t2 otherwise
Resampling timing coefficient for applying spin-down corrections
Resampling timing coefficient (buffered) barycentering (contributes to tauF_buffer)
Demod timing coefficient for core F-stat time
Demod timing coefficient for computation of buffered quantities
Two structs resampInfo and demodInfo with fields:
Fstat time per frequency bin per detector excluding time to compute buffered quantities (eg barycentering) [in seconds]
Fstat time per frequency bin per detector for computing all the buffered quantities once [in seconds]
The effective F-stat time per frequency bin per detector is therefore
tauF_eff = tauF_core + b * tauF_buffer, where b = 1/N_{f1,f2,...} is the fraction of calls to XLALComputeFstat()
where the buffer can be re-used
resamp only log_2(NsampFFT) where NsampFFT is the number of FFT samples
resamp only memory for (possibly shared) workspace [in MBytes]
memory to hold all data per detector, per-segment (original+buffered) [in MBytes] ie total data memory would be
memData[all] = Nseg * Ndet * memDataPerDetSeg
try lal; lalpulsar; catch disp("skipping test: LALSuite bindings not available"); return; end_try_catch [resampInfo, demodInfo] = predictFstatTimeAndMemory("Tcoh", 86400, "Freq0", 100, "FreqBand", 1e-2, "dFreq", 1e-7); assert(isstruct(resampInfo)); assert(isfield(resampInfo, "tauF_core")); assert(resampInfo.tauF_core > 0); assert(isfield(resampInfo, "tauF_buffer")); assert(resampInfo.tauF_buffer > 0); assert(isfield(resampInfo, "MBDataPerDetSeg")); assert(resampInfo.MBDataPerDetSeg > 0); assert(isstruct(demodInfo)); assert(isfield(demodInfo, "tauF_core")); assert(demodInfo.tauF_core > 0); assert(isfield(demodInfo, "tauF_buffer")); assert(demodInfo.tauF_buffer > 0); assert(isfield(demodInfo, "MBDataPerDetSeg")); assert(demodInfo.MBDataPerDetSeg > 0);
generate random-parameters for ’numSignals’ (default=1, returns a colunm-vector) signals within given ranges and return the signal-parameters in a struct sigparams = [h0, cosi, psi, phi0, alpha, delta, f, f1dot, f2dot, f3dot]
assert(isstruct(randSignalParams(struct("h0", 1e-24, "cosi", 0, "psi", pi/4, "phi0", pi/5))))
read a given SFT-file and return its meta-info (header) and data as a struct: ret = {version; epoch; Tsft; f0; Band; SFTdata }
typedef struct tagSFTHeader { REAL8 version; /* SFT version-number (currently only 1.0 allowed )*/ INT4 gpsSeconds; /* gps start-time */ INT4 gpsNanoSeconds; REAL8 timeBase; /* length of data-stretch in seconds */ INT4 fminBinIndex; /* first frequency-index contained in SFT */ INT4 length; /* number of frequency bins */ /* v2-specific part: */ INT8 crc64; /* 64 bits */ CHAR detector[2]; CHAR padding[2]; INT comment_length; } SFTHeader; CHAR[comment_length] comment;
sft = readSFT(fullfile(fileparts(file_in_loadpath("readSFT.m")), "SFT-good"));
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